The gift of life is in your hands

Will you consider leaving HEART UK a gift in your Will?

To do this you must have an up to date valid Will. Having a Will is your opportunity to take care of everything that is important to you and to ensure your wishes are carried out. We understand that your family and friends come first, but we also know that our life-saving work wouldn't be possible without gifts in Wills and the generous support of people like you.

What your legacy could achieve

There are many ways your support will make a difference. It can help us:

  • Double the number of children and adults with FH diagnosed within the next five years, increasing the number of those diagnosed from 25,000 to 50,000
  • Deliver a comprehensive patient outreach programme which includes specialist literature distributed free of charge to thousands of patients and GP surgeries every year  
  • Run our Cholesterol Helpline (which costs us over £67,000 a year) well into the future providing medical and lifestyle advice to thousands of people every year

To request our free leaflet on how to make your Will click here.  For further information on leaving a legacy to HEART UK please contact Charlotte on