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Conference Sponsors & Supporters

HEART UK gratefully acknowledges the generous support shown by the following organisations towards the 36th Annual Medical & Scientific Virtual conference in 2023

Disclaimer statement:
The conference is sponsored by various organisations.  These organisations have had no input into the development of the conference programme, or influenced the choice of speakers.
This excludes the sponsored symposia sessions where the programme is developed and speakers identified by the sponsor.
Sponsoring organisations will not be contributing in any way to the organisation and running of any social activities around the conference period.

Premium Sponsor:

Privileged sponsors:

Preferred sponsors:

Symposium  sponsors:





Partner  sponsors:






Educational partners:




If you are interested in sponsoring or supporting the conference, please contact the conference logistics office for more details and a sponsorship prospectus.
All sponsorship is booked on a first come, first served basis.

Natasha Dougall
T: +44 (0) 1543 503 322